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The Turkish ambassador who introduced coffee to Paris

In the latter half the 17th century, desperate to rectify their deteriorating relationships with the Ottoman Empire, the French welcomed the Sultan's new ambassador to Paris with great enthusiasm. Suleiman Aga arrived in Paris with a company of 20 people, which included his servants, wifes and chief coffeemaker, Kirkor in August 1669.  We are not sure how much Suleiman Aga contributed to the political situation between the two countries, but he definitely left his mark in the high society of Paris. During his stay, Süleiman Aga's house which was decorated with the most lavish oriental furniture and textiles, his humorous conversations especially with his female guests and delicious coffee served to the guests became so popular that the people were...

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A gift from Izmir to London

London's first coffeehouse was opened by Pasqua Rosee in 1652. Rosee was a Greek immigrant who came to London from Izmir.  During his time in Izmir, Rosee was working with an English merchant named Daniel Edwards. He had learned the Turkish language and customs. Among other things, he had excelled in Turkish coffee. When Edwards decided to go back to England in 1651, he took Rosee with him. Rosee continued to work for Edwards in London. In addition to his support in business, he was also making Turkish coffee to Edwards and his guests. Soon his coffee became so popular among the merchants of London, that his boss encouraged Rosee to open a coffeehouse nearby.  "Pasqua Rosee's Head" was opened in...

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